Smiling woman portrait gray background

Creating confidence for you and your patients.

  • Incognito Appliance System for custom hidden lingual orthodontics

    Esthetics without sacrificing control.

    The 3M™ Incognito™ Appliance System combines the mechanics of traditional brackets with the majority of appliances and attachments on the lingual side of the teeth, delivering an effective, esthetic orthodontic experience.

Are you a patient interested in Incognito?

We believe that no one should have to compromise on their smile.

That’s why the Incognito appliance system is 100% customized for each patient, with features that help your practice.

  • Laptop digital workflow

    Created with a combination of digital workflows for precise treatment results.

  • Detail of Incognito gold alloy bracket

    Gold alloy brackets designed for optimal conformance to teeth.

  • Incognito hidden braces archwire detail

    Innovative custom archwires.

Here to support you from start to finish.

For more information, please contact our Incognito Customer Care Team.

Precision at your fingertips.

3M™ Unitek™ Lingual Instruments have been developed to provide the versatility and precision needed for today’s treatment requirements.